Children's Classes

Art Project March 2010
Art Project March 2010

Bahá’í Children's Classes...


Bahá’í children’s classes are intended to nurture spiritually vibrant and healthy children who will grow up without prejudice and with a positive, powerful sense that they are important to God and have a role to play in serving humanity.


The classes start from the understanding that each child is “a mine rich in gems of inestimable value” and that it is education alone that can cause that mine to “reveal its treasures and enable mankind to benefit therefrom”. The gems are of course the nobility and beauty that are part of every person’s inborn nature.


The classes seek to develop essential virtues such as the knowledge of God, trustworthiness, honesty, and justice that the children are already developing with the help of their families. They aim to build a strong moral framework that will assist children to achieve excellence in material, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of life.


Each class follows a set pattern. It starts with a prayer and every lesson has a song about the virtue. Then the virtue is discussed and together the children explore what it means, how they might put it into practice and to consider what impact that might have on the world around them. There is story to demonstrate the virtue in action, a cooperation game...and finally colouring.


The lesson topics include:

·         Unity
·         Justice
·         Love
·         Purity of heart
·         Truthfulness
·         Generosity
·         Preferring your brother
·         Service
·         Honesty
·         Patience

·         Humility


If you would like to know more about the classes or perhaps experience a “taster” please contact us