Juinor Youth Empowerment

What is Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment?

The objective of the junior youth groups are the empowerment of participants through the development of spiritual perception, the enhancement of their power of expression, and the building of a sound moral structure.  The program molds the capacities of all the junior youth for service to humanity, releasing their energies for a purposeful and constructive life. Now tell me, who doesn’t want to do that??


The Junior Youth Empowerment Project

The junior youth program is a globally developed social and economic development initiative that began some thirty years ago in a number of countries around the world. Its purpose is to empower young people to contribute effectively to the advancement of civilization. Today there are junior youth groups in every part of the world, who meet in various places (homes, schools, under trees, centres).


Why Junior Youth?

Junior Youth are young people between the ages of 11-14 years old. This is a very important time when jr youth are transitioning from being children into being youth. It is during this period of life that the majority of behaviours and habits are developed. They are impacted by a number of different forces (media, society, friends etc).



One of the main objectives of junior youth groups is to empower the young people to be able to contribute to the advancement of world civilization. Individual and social transformation go hand in hand, their is a great need to encourage young people to better their environment through service. It is impossible to chance just the individual or society, it must be a dual process to be effective.


Why Language?

There is great importance in developing a rich vocabulary and eloquent speech. Junior youth are dis-empowered when they cannot express what they see and experience in the world.


Why Religion?

The majority of junior youth believe in religion, or ‘a’ religion, and this is a topic could not be avoided. In families, and all around the world, religion is a powerful social force, and the majority of the peoples of the world have beliefs. Junior youth groups make a space so that people from all religions could come together and make the world a better place and at the same time talk about what spirituality is.

If you would like to know more about the groups or perhaps experience a “taster” please contact us