A little bit about us...

The Camden Bahá'í community is a diverse group of people of all ages, races and social classes, all sharing a common adherence to the Bahá'í Faith. Camden community is one of 127 Bahá'ícommunities in the UK. With more than 50 Bahá'ís we are one of London’s biggest Bahá'í communities.


There are no priests, politicians or authority figures in the Bahá'í world, only universal democracy and a resulting administrative order that serves its members locally, nationally and globally. The elected body of the Camden Bahá’í community is the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Camden. The local spiritual assembly has nine members elected in April every year.


The local spiritual assembly offers spiritual guidance to the members of the communities and plan devotional services, study classes for children and adults, social events, service projects and the observance of holy days. Most of these activities are open to the public.


We are also lucky to have a number of university campuses within the Borough. This means the community is able to welcome new students each year who bring dynamism and enthusiasm to our activities. If you would like to know more about the activities of the Bahá’í students at universities, Bahá’í societies and other events please contact us and we will put you in touch with a Bahá’í student at your university.  


History of the Bahá’í Faith in Camden

There have been Bahá’ís in the Borough of Camden for over 50 years.


Some historically important Bahá’ís have lived in Camden, the most significant of whom, Dr Hasan Balyuzi, significantly advanced the cause of Bahá’í scholarship and was appointed a Hand of the Cause in 1957 by the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith Shoghi Effendi. In 1933 Dr Balyuzi was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the British Isles. For over twenty-five years he devoted himself to the progress of the administration of the Faith in the British Isles.

In early 2003, the Bahá’í community of Camden had the privilege of being able to assist in the restoration of the grave of Lady Blomfield, one of the most distinguished of the Faith¹s early western believers, and one of the most remarkable women of her age. After several years of painstaking negotiation and planning, a befitting memorial has been erected at the grave of Lady Blomfield in Hampstead Municipal Cemetery in Camden. To learn more above Lady Blomfield or for directions to visit her grave click here.